Phase 2 Project: A Lesson In Co-Working

Kyle Wilson
2 min readJan 11, 2021

For almost the last decade I’ve been a full-time photographer and running my whole world solo. I haven’t had a co-worker in as long as I can remember. The mental pivot of leaning onto others and being okay with not knowing everything and having to ask has been something of an uphill battle. My goal moving forward in my education is the be the dumbest person in the room, which will only help me to hone my skills as a developer for both myself and my future employers.

Phase 2 has been all about flow and the millisecond behind the scenes interactions that happen everytime a user navigates a site, communicates with the server and ultimately our app while validating that the user is in fact the correct user and managing their own items.

Getting the base of this app setup was actually fairly simple and happened pretty quickly in a 3 person group session. The final pieces of allowing the user (Trainer) to edit their Captured Pokemon Nicknames, or their own information was all the tiny difficult parts. More often the syntax and discovering the params of our system.

For this project it was fun to use the knowledge from our last CLI project to pull in the Pokemon API and use our new knowledge of seeding data to creat all the Pokemon objects without our app and not when the user loads the welcome page. Then by using a join table we can create new objects for the Trainer to interact with their specific Pokemon that have been captured.

All in all after having spent the week on this with 2 other partners, it feels like something I could do in a day now. It also further confirmed my desire to focus my work on the backend, as the front end result and how it looked really didn’t interest me much.

Go catch them all!

