Ruby on Rails Phase 3 Project // Proper Planning

Kyle Wilson
2 min readFeb 7, 2021

For really the first time in my schooling, I felt like I had my world together, understood the concepts and most importantly am able to describe them in a technical way that made me feel confident.

This all stemmed from the important first step of proper planning. Below is my initial flow chart made with my coding partner and my cohort lead. It’s a rough first draft iteration but was a great starting point.

Following this it was fairly easy to expand upon this idea with a little more user flow and app capabilities in mind rather than just associations. The final form of my app didn’t come to match all of these notes and was shrunk down to better reflect the MVP guidelines for the project.

I think my major takeaways from this could be summed by realizing that my strengths as a planner from my previous work can lay the foundation long before any code is written in order to help me succeed on projects and tasks in a way that makes me feel much more capable.

