The final stretch with Redux

Kyle Wilson
1 min readAug 10, 2021

It feels like forever ago (I guess it kind of is) that I started this coursework with Flatiron. The first days of trying to figure out how to clone repos feels kind of silly now.

This final phase of work took a little while longer due unexpected events in the schools/reviews/timing. So the project I finally completed was originally built 4 months prior to my final review. I’ve felt in such a state of limbo of education waiting for this to all be done.

React/Redux tends to feel like quite a bit of zigzagging back and forth through a strange diagram with a ferris wheel somewhere in the middle of it all. I’m excited now that this is finished to expand my knowledge and understanding of Redux to see it in practice in larger scale apps and see how it’s power can be utilized bigger and better than simple to-do apps.

Onward and upward to more education! (oh and hire me)

