Understanding the power of the DOM

Kyle Wilson
2 min readMay 6, 2021

The switch from Rails to vanilla JavaScript wasn’t quite the easy switch. My initial excitement quickly switched from thinking of all the possibilities of JS to being overwhelmed at all the possibilities of JS.

For tons of my projects and work up until now I had been (in simple terms) writing code, checking to see if it worked using the terminal and then proceeding forward. The introduction of the DOM wasn’t something I felt I completely understood the power of until almost near the end of JS and beginning in the React/Redux phase of my course.

Unfortunately, this came to light during my first review and my inability to dive into my HTML and figure out where to render a single button on my page and how to link it all up.

Diving back into studying for my second and final possible review for this section I was so lucky to link up with my fellow classmates and get some more hands-on walkthrough of my own project and problem solving through the process of adding functionality.

All this to be said, I’m actually really happy that I…for lack of a better phrase ‘straight up bombed’ my first review that it gave me the opportunity to dive back into entire chunks of the material and more deeply understand it in a more genuine and actionable way.

